Get out your sketchbook, a pencil, and a pair of scissors.
Place the scissors in front of you.
Create a sketch of the scissors.
Include as many details as you can:
Pay attention to the shape.
Do the scissors have a pattern?
Add the cast shadow.
Add value, or light and dark areas, to your drawing.
Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
Think about what an animal would look like if it was a cross between a rabbit and a turtle.
Add details:
What elements will you bring in from each animal?
What are they wearing?
What expression do they have?
If you have time, add color using colored pencils.
Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
Draw a circle
Add value going from dark to light to turn the shape into a form.
Add a cast shadow to help ground the shape.
Think about:
Where the highlight, or the lightest area, is.
The darkest area will fall on the opposite side of the highlight.
The cast shadow should touch the bottom of the shape.
Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
Create a sketch of your dream vacation spot.
Close your eyes, think about:
Where it would be located.
What would you see there?
Is it inside or outside?
What type of weather is it?
Add details:
Add value to your drawing.
Try to capture a sense of the location.
Try to fill up your page!
Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
Create a design using only circles.
Fill up your sketchbook page.
Think about:
Using a range of sizes.
Adding value to your circles.
Layering your circles to create a design.
Intersecting your circles to create new shapes.
If you have time, use colored pencils to add color.
Get out your sketchbook, a pencil, and a bottle of glue.
Place the glue in front of you.
Create a sketch of the glue.
Include as many details as you can:
Text on the bottle.
Pay attention to the shape.
Does the bottle have texture, such as ridges around the lid?
Add the cast shadow.
Add value, or light and dark areas, to your drawing.
Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
Design a friendly monster.
Add details:
Think about their eyes, nose, and mouth (or lack of).
Think about their hairstyle.
What are they wearing?
How many limbs do they have?
If you have time, add color using colored pencils.
• Get out your sketchbook and a pencil. • Create a value scale. • Draw 5 squares in your sketchbook. • Color in the far left box a dark value. • In the next box go lighter. • Continue to go lighter until you have even steps from the far left to the far right, leave the last box the white of the paper. • A strong sketch includes a range of value, reference this scale in future sketches to make sure you have a range of darks and lights.
• Get out your sketchbook and a
• Create a sketch of what you ate for
breakfast (or what you wish you ate
for breakfast).
• Close your eyes, think about:
What you ate your breakfast on (a plate, bowl, napkin).
What the packaging of your breakfast looks like.
What your ideal breakfast is.
Add details:
Add value to your drawing.
Add a background if you have time.
• Get out your sketchbook and a pencil. • Draw a spiral. • Use lines and shapes to add a design along the inside and outside of the spiral line. • Think about: • Create your own pattern • Use value to add interest. • Build your design beyond the spiral line. • Create a larger pattern. • If you have time, use colored pencils to add color.