- Get out your sketchbook, a mirror, and a pencil.
- Place the mirror in front of you.
- Draw your eye.
- Pay attention to the details of your eye, capture all the unique elements that makes it your eye.
- Think about:
- What your eyebrows look like.
- What texture your iris has.
- What the lines around your eye look like.
- If you have time, add color.
- Fill the page!
- Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
- What would it look like if a chicken turned into a merhen?
- Add details:
- How would the scales blend into the feathers?
- What would it look like swimming?
- What do you think a merhen tail looks like?
- If you have time, add color using colored pencils.
- Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
- Draw a triangle, draw a line from the top point, to below the bottom line at a slight angle.
- Draw straight lines from the bottom corners to the bottom of the line you drew.
- Erase the lines that go through the shape (except the first line you drew).
- Erase the lines that cross. Your triangle has become a pyramid.
- Add value to your triangle shape to create a pyramid form.
- Think about:
- Where the highlight, or the lightest area, is.
- The darkest area will fall on the opposite side of the highlight.
- The cast shadow should touch the bottom of the shape.
- Remember, lines should not cross. Lines closer together will create a darker value, space them out to create a lighter value.
- Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
- Draw a picture of your pet or the pet you wish you had.
- Close your eyes, think about:
- What type of animal it is.
- What type of texture it has, fur, scales, smooth.
- Distinguishing features.
- Patterns it has.
- What their personality is like.
- Add details:
- Add value to your drawing.
- If you have time, add a background scene.
- Try to fill up your page!
- Get out your sketchbook and pencil
- Draw this vase outline in your sketchbook
- Add a unique design to the vase
- Think about:
- Using lines and shapes to create pattern
- Playing with the thickness of line and contrast through value
- Use value to add interest
- If you have time, add color
- Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
- Place a stack of books in front of you.
- Draw the books.
- Pay attention to the perspective, or the lines going back in space.
- Think about how you create the cube and how those techniques can apply to drawing this stack.
- Think about:
- How to capture the perspective.
- Add details such labels and text.
- Add value, or light and dark areas, to your drawing.
- Fill the page!
- Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
- Create your dream vehicle.
- Add details:
- Is it a car, motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, truck, plane?
- What designs does it have?
- What color is it?
- What makes it unqiue?
- If you have time, add color using colored pencils.
• Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
• Create a value scale.
• Draw 6 squares in your sketchbook.
• Use dots to create a dark value in the far-left box.
• Space the dots out in the next box to create a lighter value.
• Continue to go lighter until you have even steps from the far left to the far right, leave
the last box the white of the paper.
• Using dots or small marks to create value is called STIPPLING.
• A strong sketch includes a range of value, reference this scale in future sketches to
make sure you have a range of darks and lights.
- Get out your sketchbook, a pencil, and colored pencils.
- Draw a picture of your favorite planet.
- Close your eyes, think about:
- Which planet you like best and why.
- What colors it has.
- What type of planet it is (rock, gas).
- Distinguishing features.
- How warm or cold it is.
- Add details:
- Use pencil to create the base sketch.
- Use colored pencils to add color, have fun, push the color!
- Try to capture a rocky, gas, warm, or cold feel.
- Try to fill up your page!
- Get out your sketchbook and a pencil.
- Draw 2 Parallel lines in your sketchbook.
- Create a drawing, design, object that somehow connects the lines together.
- Fill the space between the two lines.
- Think about:
- Using lines and shapes to create a pattern.
- Adding an object that creatively connects the lines.
- Use value to add interest.